As you might imagine, there aren't any of these available here in Kentucky. I'd be happy to pay any costs of shipping, etc. for a couple of pocket schedules for this year. Please let me know if you can help! ldskule:
I'm headed through Baton Rouge this week. I think they have them at the AD's office. I stuff a couple in an envelope for ya.
Call the AD's office. They ahve a million posters and schedules and most of the time they will send them to you. whoops, didnt see podkatts post.
Thanks, Podkatt! I wouldn't mind going to the AD's office myself, but it's a 1300 mile round trip and the gas alone would kill me. Last year I called and they said the only schedule I could get was the poster, which wouldn't fit in my wallet.:insane: Gumborue, I tried memorizing the schedule, but I'm so old now that I carry my address and phone number on a little piece of paper in my wallet. If I get any worse, my wife says she's going to pin a note to my shirt when I leave the house so strangers can help me get home! :lol:
thats almost as bad as my dad. he had my mom embroider small animals on his shirts and pants so he would know what to wear with what---geriatric garanimals.
Your mom just might be on to somthing there! Not a bad plan. One of my roommates at LSU was colorblind, and his girlfriend numbered his clothes so that as long as the numbers on his shirt, socks and pants added up to an even number, he was color coordinated. (He was a math major, so she figured he wouldn't srew that up too bad.) ldskule: