All that is kind and not Hitler like, this needs to pass. Proposed SF law could force tech workers to actually go out for lunch
Be dam if I would be forced out. I'd bring a sandwich or not eat. We need to get you and vball out of there and break it off the map so it can float into the ocean.
Does Texas still have the right to split itself into as many as 5 separate states? I think that was a provision when they were admitted as a state. Would be interesting if Austin were to be included with Dallas-Fort Worth. Those libs would never be able to elect some wacko to any office other than mayor.
It was a provision for admission but the civil war may have changed all that. It is untested and it is more likely that texas says screw y'all were taking our oil and going it alone.
A friend of mine and I had a long conversation about this policy one night at work. It would be interesting, but it seems like it would put Texas in the hole in the beginning stages. Especially if the federal government decided to make it hard on them out of spite. I don’t think they’d recover financially if that were to happen. And then the even further influx of immigrants during the opening stages of the Country of Texas. It’s been a while since we talked about it, and I can’t remember exactly, but that was a couple of the highlights.