This. A CEO doesn't just hire place managers, he must also have the ability to step in and take control when a particular unit isn't producing. That is why many of the best coaches are huge control freaks. They clearly outline their expectations to each respective coordinator. And if those expectations are not met, then the HC assumes a much larger role over that particular unit.
Agreed on all points. Now tell me what Miles is supposed to do right now, right this moment to make positive changes to the offense, given that: One, and probably, two quarterbacks are shot when it comes to the passing game, and the option is a bust. The one thing that is working somewhat consistently, which is running up the middle, will soon be just as ineffective as the option without a passing threat. The obvious answer is to give Lee a chance, there's whole threads on that. If he comes in and returns to pick-6 form, Les gets blasted for "throwing Lee to the wolves." If he doesn't, Les is being his typical stubborn self. Another I can think of is keeping hot backs and receivers in the game instead of this rotation BS. But we run into the same arguments if those players start getting run down and/or injured later in the season. Think Charles Scott in the second half of '08. A partial point of this thread is Les can "demand changes" from Crowton til he's blue in the face, but Crowton's history indicates it ain't gonna happen. It is what it is. I hold Les responsible for a lot of what led to this mess. But as of this moment I don't see what he can really do personally midseason to turn the ship around since the steering wheel already seems to be busted. The best thing he can do IMO is can Crowton's azz immediately after the bowl game, and start searching for new OC candidates yesterday. And if Alleva tries to get in the way tell him to go to hell.