Hmmmmm. If this years schedule was brutal than next years will be worse with games at FLA., AU, USCe and ARK on the road and UGA, MSU, ALB., and OLD PISS at home.
AWESOME POST! And I agree that is has been the BEST post in days! I could not have said it better. Thanks Tigers and the coaching staff for a great season! :LSU231:
Without going into a lot of detail...I'll say this..."its just MY opinion" and I choose to be a fan and support my school and my team!
So, Are you trying to say that I don't? I totally hate it when people say stuff like this, like they are a better fan than someone else. Edit: This will be the last time I address my posts on these issues. I know I must've sounded a little bit like a broken record and may have ruffled some feathers some yesterday. It has been a difficult year, especially the way it unfolded, R-Kansas game the perfect example. I hope the team plays better come Saturday! Geaux Tigers!
Unfortunately with these posts, the only emotion that you get to see is what you read, and word alone cant express everything. I had no intention of saying you didn't support the Tigers...please don't misunderstand, all I was trying to relate was "my" own feelings. Not those of anyone else. I think you would agree with me that some people have made some ridiculous predictions on scores etc. Games always just seemed more difficult to me for some reason (granted the Tigers were to blame for some of it) and sorry, but with the exception of a few, I believe this to be the case. Everyone seemed to be "up" to play us? I meant nothing personal, but we can still disagree here and there. This is about all I care to discuss with this thread at this point, nor, will I explain myself any more than that. I think most folks "got" my reasoning and I hope it made some feel better after what turned out to be a bitter loss... :tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye::tigereye:
I want to apologize to you here in that case and we agree on this point! My thoughts were that everyone that posts in this forum or any other forum, sports radio, etc, We are all fans and support our teams so it seems to geaux without saying or we wouldn't be here. A thought comes to mind about the rediculous predictions? I think we were thrown a bone so to speak after the Va Tech game. People, fans saw how well this LSU team played vs a top ten team, an improved MSU team and thought that this Tiger team was going to return to playing like a well oiled machine at some point during the season but it never happened. I don't want to re-live the entire season but I don't think the predictions were as far off as some think when you look at the way LSU, AU and various teams played at the beginning of the season, AU lost a few they shouldn't have, etc. Just food for thought for what its worth. Also fans will be fans and will say and do crazy things!
I have been thinking about this, and now that someone has brought up the prediction thing, I would like to make a point. If you take the VA Tech win out of LSU's schedule, what do you have? A good team that worked really hard to get every victory it could. (The Miss St game doesn't mean as much to me, when judging this team, because we beat them by 40 points every year). At the beginning of the year I thought we would lose a few games because we lost our great passing attack. After the VA Tech game, I jumped on the bandwagon like everyone else, and thought we were the best team in the nation. After looking back on the year, I can't help but think that maybe we expected too much, (due to the VA Tech game). Everyone wants answers, and when you give them answers, they call them excuses! Why did the defense start giving up so many yards? Some people think it was the coaching. I don't know, that may be part of it, but let's be honest, that is not the whole problem. Dorsey being hurt, losing players for the whole year, other injuries, and a lack of depth to keep our better players "fresh" are all other reasons. I will also point out that the talent between the Tigers and our opposition may not have been as wide a gap as we wanted to believe. Upsets happen, the game wouldn't be as much fun without them. The one thing I have learned is that there is only one cure for losing, and that is winning. When we beat TN on Saturday, everyone will be proud TIGERS, and once again wear their Purple and Gold with a smile! GEAUX TIGERS!