Patterson's father blasts Houston Nutt for timing of Ole Miss lawsuit (via )
The same Patterson whose son was the most likely one set up with the escort? Good way to bring attention to your son, sir.
I saw an article a few months ago talking about the percentage of news reporters use Twitter. One of the reasons this Freeze story went uncovered until now is communication is limited to so few characters, and what were they basing their knowledge of Freeze upon. That said, ti's a valuable resource tool as well. Freeze, with his use of Twitter, is going to be following the kids he's been recruiting. That seems like a job for an intern, but I can't speak to that. Then you've got Chris Kiffin, currently on staff with Kiffin, who just came from Ole Miss. I suspect there are stories that's been said and it's certainly within Lane's personality to want to watch a train wreck. You can learn, a lot, from timelines.
I heard it on the radio yesterday. The guy is supposed to be something in the media in Starkville. Not your typical journalist. Has sleeve tattoos and a Mississippi State tat on the top of his head. I didn't get to hear the interview but his phone has a 225 area code. When Ole Miss wouldn't let him have the phone records under the freedom of information act he filed multiple lawsuits until he got what he wanted. Rose Bowl as he's named seems quite the character. The story is a very good read. Recommend it.