Maybe some people feel that way, but I was probably that lone guy arguing well into the season that JJ wasn't really doing that poorly because way too many passes were being dropped. At least until it became apparent that those kinds of plays eventually started affecting him and his decision-making. Sometimes a QB throws into double coverage and those kinds of plays are inevitable. This isn't one of those times. It was more like the tipped pass by Randle that was intercepted downfield. No doubt that it should have been caught. ZM's receivers really let him down the entire game.
that's fine i tend to agree w/ you i just was making a statement basically because of what you talk about w/ JJ and how all season long every INT was his fault.
Except that it's "Navarre", which makes it not funny at all. Trying to poke fun at Zach won't help your secondary one bit next year. If Jordan Jefferson can abuse them like he did, gonna be a looooong day in tuskaloser.