The only coach I want back at LSU next year is Saban. When he was here, he did tremendous things for the program and community. I completely understood why he left for the NFL. It was his dream to coach the NFL and try to win a Superbowl. Once he was there he realized the NFL was not where he really wanted to be and he might have made the biggest mistake in his career by leaving LSU. He tried to come back to LSU last year but Miles was doing too good so the door was closed. He loves the SEC and unfortunately for us (and now himself) he accepted the job at Alabama. It's time for tiger fans to forgive and forget. He and his family both love Baton Rouge. He made a mistake, forgive the man and try to bring him back home! :helmet: + Saban = :crystal::crystal: :crystal: :crystal:
And while you are at it how about kicking me square in the nuts. With Saban I say this Once a Cheat allows a Cheat, he left us once and if he does it to Bama then he HAS NOT LEARNED A DAMN THING. And there is a speical place in HELL resvered for him!
You forget he lost to UAB You forget he lost to ULM What if he came here and lost to ULL in tiger stadium next year? How would you feel about him then? Thats not really my issue with him. My issue is that some bridges just cannot be rebuilt after you blow them up.
Should we delete this crap?? OR Leave it up and make fun at the FNG that seems to have lost his fing mind!
I think we should bring Saban back. I like the guy a lot. He's got some oceanfront property out in Arizona that he's selling to me. I got a great deal from him on it.
Saban haters are incapable of looking at the situation rationally. This is business folks, plain and simple. Saban took a program mired in mediocrity and turned it into a perennial contender for the SEC and BCS Championships. Next time you think about wishing Saban to hell, take a look at the front page of the Times Picayune for January 5, 2004. How soon we forget. That said, Saban will never coach another game at LSU.
oh, Saban hurt his little feelings, and him mad...grow up. Saban did GREAT things at LSU. Les "deDunce" Miles rode his momentum for three years. Saban tried a stint in the pros---didn't work out. He came back to college with an awesome deal and to a school with a great tradition. If he'd come back that would be great. But he's not, Spurrier is, and that's great too. Either possibility is a grand step up from Les Miles. Do you realize how lucky we are that MIchigan is taking that Dunce?
Its been a wild ride this year and little did we know it was going to get crazier as the season started to wind down. Actually, I don't care who the coach is next year as long as he is a top candidate.