Here we go... So fucking tired of this minority bullshit. We are all equal. If the guy is good enough to get the job, he will be considered, interviewed and hired. If not, he is free to interview somewhere else. If Brick doesn't get a promotion or the job he wants, it isnt because his skin color, it's because of Brick. Let's leave the race card and minority bull shit out of this.
No and there shouldn't have to be. And I'm tired of being expected by minorites to have it. It's ridiculous and in my opinion shows that some think they are still owed special treatment because of what happened in a past where alot of us weren't even born yet. It's the sense of entitlement, inconsideration for others, and laziness that keeps "all types of people" from having opportunites in this world. Get over yourselves move on and work hard at making a positive impact on society.
And if we all took a DNA test for geneology, we'd probably all be surprised by who our ancesters were playing footsie with. So there's that.