Brennan's coach is saying he is still committed, but is opening up his options based on CEO's statements and actions. Can't blame the kid for making sure he has plenty of options.
Brennan is going to take some visits so he has a fallback option should LSU not be in the cards. That's all at this point.
Faith can be FAITHFULLY used by anyone at anytime, anywhere in all walks of life....I have FAITH that Coach O will lead LSU Football to the PROMISE LAND.....FAITH the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.....Just have a little FAITH.....
He who liveth by the Power I vs 9 in the box shall not have a want to compete Yea though he walketh in the Valley of Death he shalt fear no Saban
You selected Door Number One! Your 5 star quarterback is behind Door Number Three. Sorry, You Lose but we have some lovely parting gifts for you.