The press has blown all of its credibility. first by never saying anything negative about the previous president, and now by never saying anything positive about the current one. Neither situation is true and thus has caused half the country to tune them out, depending on whose in the white house.
I think the press is actually gaining a good deal of credibility through all of this. It is the press' job to dig into things like this and keep them in the spotlight until the American people know what way or another. This is no different than when Clinton was impeached back in the 90's and the press crucified him for months on end until the whole truth came out. Like them or not the press serve a useful purpose in this country and, make no mistake about it, if Obama or Clinton had done anything that rose to this level the press would be standing on their nutty heads over it. There is a bias in the press.....but there is a bias from both sides so we do have a mechanism for accountability in place for when politicians step outside the bounds.
I agree a strong independent press is necessary but Sorry guy, go back and see how many puff pieces were done on obama in his first 100 days, compared to how many for trump. the bias is turning people off. It is very hard to find any article on a trump policy which is not written with a left slant. That is a problem, if trump is guilty he should be impeached. The fact that obama got away with everything and all was good in the world is as wrong as the press telling trump is first cousin to Beelzebub.
Trump's wounds are self-inflicted ones. Obama didn't taunt the press the way Trump does and Obama's administration didn't have all the administrative problems that Trump's has. Obama didn't have a cabinet member who was an agent of a foreign country, nor did he make outrageous claims like his inauguration was the biggest. You act as though the press has been picking on Trump but the truth is that Trump has brought it on himself by tweeting a response to every little slight and making unforced error after unforced error. I realize you don't like Obama but he was competent and didn't make many unforced errors; he was a very disciplined guy. Trump is erratic and emotional; temperamentally unfit for the office and it shows every single day.
The media controls the message even exponentially more now than just a few years ago. And it's almost all left at least the mass media just like tv. He picked a fight he can't possibly win here. Bc everyone believes almost everything and they've hammered him with headlines every hour on the hour since he's been sworn in. It's been relentless.. I got to give em credit. It's been a full on nonstop assault. It's all about perception.