Joe Theismann's remarks about BQ on draft day were kinda funny. First, he criticized him for chewing gum, then said it looked like the first time he'd ever tied a tie, and that his hair looked like he just got outta the shower.
My thoughts on BQ were as follows: 1. How many white guys wear a pinstripe 3 piece suit? 2. Is he trying to look like Michael Douglas in Wall Street? 3. Who told him it was okay to have long gelled hair? 4. He looks like a coked up Stock Broker from the 80's 5. I thought he'd have a hotter chick
Someone said that he's been with the chick since HS. Apparently she's some college soccer chick. I thought most college soccer chicks were dykes so she's just be a beard. What a name though... Lindy Slinger... I looked at the guys I was watching the draft with and asked if she was a b-list porn star.
I really would like some rational explanation from Brady Quinn about those pictures other then they were joking. That isn't the only one of him and his friends grabbing each other's dongs like that that hit the web today. It is really ghey.
I'd prefer hearing domer fans' explanation......sure it's like his performances on the field and "Not as bad as it looks". :grin: