Brady Quinn likes to........

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by LSU CamelToe, May 4, 2007.

  1. sonof504

    sonof504 Founding Member

    Jun 1, 2006
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    Its a harmless game I just don't understand this at all
  2. bitter ND

    bitter ND Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Where did I say that?

    I don't ever recall saying the Raiders would draft Quinn first for the same reason the Raiders passed on Matt Leinart last year- the Raiders wanted somebody who could throw the long ball. Instead, I was arguing Cleavland would pick BQ, which they ended doing although with a later pick.

    Nor, did I ever say that ND would beat LSU. I thought it was a bad matchup for ND, and that LSU was the more talented team. On that day, the LSU team was clearly superior to the ND team, but I don't think that necessairly means one player on the winning team is better than another player on the losing team.
  3. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    But what you think is irrelevant for obvious reasons. LSU was also better than ND everyday.:thumb:
  4. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    As a straight man, I am sure I have done something in my life that could be construed as ambiguously gay, but unlikely I repeated it enough to qualify as an activity, much less deserving a pet name.

    Grab and Fun? Is that like Kick the Can??
    1 person likes this.
  5. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Say what? You’re spinning this by adding words. You’ve been blowing BQ and down-playing JR’s abilities- some more discrete than others but “State school” graduates comprehend well when you’re talking about their “People”.

    I don’t have time to chase ‘em all down- we’re invited to a crawfish boil; however, as far as “We say JR is say Quinn...” check dis:

    I didn’t qualify the statement, you did. Since you brought it up though, you were wrong about the Raiders.
    As we now know, they both, traded Moss AND took JR.

    Neither me, those are your words, not mine.

    Any “Top ten” team would have been a “Bad matchup”.

    You’ve even told us BQ could sing.....which, btw, you were right about- he’s been singing like a canary since being passed till the 22nd pic.:hihi: Later brudha, crawfish boil before bitter.
    1 person likes this.
  6. "Hurricane"

    "Hurricane" Founding Member

    Nov 26, 2006
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    :eek: You just made a crawfish boil out of bitter.
    Enjoy your meal.:thumb:
  7. LSUalum24

    LSUalum24 Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    I don't know how or why bitter keeps coming back here. The dude's a moron who gets p0wned on almost everyone one of his posts here.
  8. bitter ND

    bitter ND Founding Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    I think a lot of guys are threatened by BQ's movie star good looks, and why they try to demean him by calling him gay. If he's gay, then he won''t steal your girlfriend away from you. You see this with Hollywood stars all the time. The more good looking the guy, the more there are rumors spread that the guy is gay- Richard Gere, Tom Cruise, etc..

    Do I think Quinn is a better QB, and will be a better QB in the future? Absolutely. But, I don't ever recall saying that the Raiders were going to pick Quinn even though I thought that would have been the better choice.

    As for Quinn vs. JR, I still don't think that was settled by what happened in that game since we saw the LSU team beat the ND team. I think a better comparison would be a situation where both QBs faced the same defense, and see how they fared.

    And, concerning crawfish, I never understood its appeal. When I first saw them, I thought they would be great, like mini-lobsters. Instead, I find them to be rather flavorless.
    1 person likes this.
  9. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    Can't say I have ever been threatened by the looks of any man, much less one I will never meet. I have no plans to trek up to Ohio to watch bad football, when I can watch Notre Dame any Saturday.

    You just used Richard Gere & Tom Cruise as a defense of Quinn's heterosexuality?? Ummm....okay. Normally would not touch that one except that your theory has zero credibility on multiple levels. Good looking movie stars like Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, George Clooney to name 3 guys amongst probably hundreds(could use some lady tiger help to expand the list) have absolutely no rumors about their sexuality. Perhaps Gere And Cruise are just your favorites?

    Since we have established there is nothing factual to base this idea upon other then you being a domer....we understand how you feel. Keep hitting that pipe.

    You clearly got caught in a lie, but don't worry, nobody here expects anything more from you.

    Since it has been pointed out by dozens of writers, scouts, and coaches around the country that the SEC is superior and more closely represents the speed of the NFL on both sides of the ball, JR faced faster, better defenses the likes of which he will face on Sundays. He did quite well. The only times Quinn faced similar teams, he failed. I know, I know, he was the only good player you had. See comment above in regards to your pipe.

    I rejoice to hear this as it illustrates that we will never have to put up with the stink of your ignorance here in the south. Please stay where you are, and continue to keep it real.
  10. RHans405

    RHans405 Let's Roll

    Feb 7, 2004
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    Did you see Quinn today throwing Cavalier jerseys to the crowd, with HIS name on the back. :shock: Didn't know he played basketball as well.

    Oh well, since no one in the NFL was tooting his horn too loudly, I guess he has to do it himself. :D

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