Misses low. Ball one. Come on, Ranaudo. Find the strike zone! Misses on the swing. 1-1. Strike two. Uncontested steal. Go ahead run now in scoring position. Crowd is loud now! Ball high. 2-2. Chopped to Hanover. ERROR! Game tied 2-2.
Baylor putting in a pinch runner. Runners at 1st and 2nd with two outs. Ball one high. Misses on the swing. 1-1. Fouls it off. 1-2. Hits it up the middle, but Nola runs it down and steps on second. Three outs. After 8: LSU 2, Baylor 2
S. Carolina and Ole Miss are winners. Chad Jones and Matty Ott heading to the bullpen. Nola hits the ball to deep SS, but he is thrown out. 1 out.
Schimpf has three strikeouts on the day. Takes ball one. Takes ball two. Called strike three on the outside. 2-1. Ball three. Called strike. Full count. Fouled it off. Ball outside. Dean up, and you know how he likes to hit game-winning blasts in the postseason!
Dean takes a ball outside. 1-0. Way outside. 2-0. Ball outside. 3-0. Will probably pitch away from him again. Swinging all the way. Fouled it off. 3-1. Probably was ball four. Took ball four. Two on for Gibbs. Go-ahead run at 2nd. Rally cap on.