Some serious change (44+ million) coming to our conference. Liberty.......................1.7 million Independence.............1.1 million Music City..................1.5 million Chik-fil-A....................2.4 million Outback.....................3 million Cotton.......................3 million Capital One.................4.25 million Sugar........................14-17 million BCS Champ.................14-17 million
Schools expenses are taken off the top and the rest submitted over to the SEC. Then, divided by 12. TIGA, unless something has changed I believe that the conference gets a 4.5 million dollar bonus on top of these figures for having two teams in the BCS.
A small part of the payout is given to the bowl teams plus a travel allowance. After that, the payout is divided 13 ways ... 12 teams and the SEC office.
Could be, I hadn't read on the disbursement procedure in a while but remember it like you and TigerWins have stated. I remember that each conference can decide how they want to divide it but the SEC does just what each of you had stated. The big story in the bowl money is Hawaii- they're going to get WAY more money than is budgeted for their program. They can use it for some upgrades in practice facilities, etc.
I'm happy for the school considering what an idiot their AD is. UH was offered a full allotment of 15,000 tickets and the AD didn't think they'd sell so he declined 4,000 which Georgia fans quickly scooped up. There are thousands of UH fans, including season ticket holders, who did not even get the chance to buy tickets. Would have been better to take them, see if they sold, and then return them later. According to Brennan, the locker rooms and training facilities are some of the worst in the NCAA.