Glad I wasn't one of the whiny cunts trashing this kid, well there really was only one but glad I'm not him.
I assume you mean me. Impressed he wants to come back, hope he can put some first round tape out next year. Improved QB play would help. Got a good feeling about BK building something special.
I actually considered starting a thread earlier today, after looking at a few mock drafts and seeing that he has slid near the bottom of the first round. Might he come back? Figured it would get a lot of negative answers and decided not to. Huge vote of confidence in the program direction!
He was selfish. He grew a lot this year. He doesn’t have much choice about coming back anyway his stock is not high I’m sure. What’s his projection in the draft anyway?
I'll go on record as saying this surprises me a great deal. Most of the year, Boutte looked like he didn't want to be out there. And I was a big critic. This makes me think (hope) that a culture shift is occurring in the program. It was needed.