That's my goto everytime I go through there. They also usually have the boudin frozen in 5# boxes. Its in a little chest freezer along the front wall of the store.
Yeah I remembered that and why I wanted to post something as uneventful as stopping in Krotz Springs and it not being cause of blue lights in the rear view.
Any Boudin that you can't just pop in the oven and it come out amazing is obviously inferior......which is exactly what T-Boys is, I had some and it wasn't bad I just prefer the flavor and all the spices in the Best Stop. I'll rank T-Boys somewhere between Early's and Don's.
Uh, I'm not sure how you can describe something as "amazing" and "inferior" in the same breath but your opinion is your opinion. I'll say again that they've dominated competition in the last few years so there's apparently a lot of inferior boudin out there. As far as popping it in the oven, you can do that with any boudin, just as you can toss it on a bar-b-que pit or in a pot of boiling water. It's called cooking. A lot of women do that.
One time I saw a down syndrome kid throw an aerosol can into a bonfire and he ran like you just ain't complicated.
Wat tha...I have no idea how to respond here cause I'm not sure where I lost you. I'll leave at what I said a few posts back, I never thought you'd be swayed. To say TBS is the best erases any taste cred with me. Hell, there's a place in a curve between Opelousas and Ville Platte that has some better than TBS.
Got my hands on some Savoie's boudin and andoullie today so we're having a little jambalaya and boudin balls.