I was going to post that very same picture but couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger because I thought it might have been a tad too soon.
One thing for sure at the national or international level...no one is holding back on theories. I expect my man Putin did it.
I ran across this....interesting. This Is The Most Plausible Theory For The Plane's Disappearance We've Heard Yet ... Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/malaysia-plane-fire-2014-3#ixzz2wP3A4n1y http://www.businessinsider.com/malaysia-plane-fire-2014-3
Interesting but as in all of the theories there are holes. As several pilots noted at the first sign of the fire/smoke the crew would have donned the oxygen masks first. This is a mystery and with the information reported so far I don't think anyone has a clue as to what happened.
The story is riddled with holes. There were two pilots. The first thing a pilot would do is issue a Mayday distress call while his co-pilot tried to deal with a fire. He would be asking for assistance and routing information. The last thing he would do is to turn off his transponders (something that happened well before the left turn). It would not help with a fire.
Not to mention, as I have heard repeatedly from pilots on several news outlets, ACARS is automatically reporting everything about the plane's entire system. Had a fire been started, it would have been detected and communicated prior to the pilot's ability to shut the system down. The only time the comradar system ever gets shut off is when the plane is on the ground and the tower no longer needs to track it. It was shut down purposely and the last voice contact from the plane came after. Not a plausible theory IMO.