What's telling is that nobody wants him, not even the smaller schools. The only one that doesn't resignate with is taint!
Could you imagine those two swinging on the monkey bars wearing their Lil football helmets with the single crossbar?
No instead he'll tell you that he has credible info that it's because of Miles' age. However, he will never produce this information, and if he does its from a source that is no more credible than the boogie man. I've never seen someone in such a state of denial!
There were a few of us frustrated with Miles years back, back then we were the minority and caught hell for bashing Miles. Slowly over the years most started to see the light. I'm sure @red55 and Taint are cuddled up somewhere spooning, remembering the good ole days.
I can say for me, it took as long as it did because I was concerned with the possibility of making a bad hire. But the three losses in a row last year sent me over the edge.
I was a Miles supporter up until the end of the end of the Arkansas game in 2014. Before that I was on the fence for a season and a straight up sunshine pumper before that.... but I didn't want him canned because I was afraid of becoming Tennessee or Texas, and because Joe Alleva is the worst AD in the history of college athletics, and that frightened me.
I saw the writing on the wall after the game we shall not speak of. I've been beating the Miles drum ever since. Red fought me tooth and nail every step of the way. Then when it finally is obvious to everyone, Red ran away like a bitch. I've got more respect for Taint in his horrible denial than I do for red and I've had taint blocked for months.