actually it is the business of the IRS, when filing for tax exempt status, what other agency would verify if the group met the standard? why would they target so called white conservative groups? who would direct them to target white conservative groups in your mind? btw, there are a few black conservative groups
I can't imagine how I would owe them money. Neither can I imagine that they have a right to review my income taxes for any reason.
No it's their job to verify their grouos intentions or functions, NOT to identify them then deny them based on their political affiliation. That is illegal.
You missed the point. The IRS obviously knows whether or not their employees are delinquent to their office for back taxes. That would be like you owing LSU whatever amount of money, for whatever reason... yet still get pay raises while oweing your employer money.
intentions to raise money for political purpose equals a denial of an tax exempt status, that is not illegal.