It's information. The guys like Scarborough and the likes don't own the information. They just make a living relaying it based on their inside connections. I understand that you are saying that they make a living off of this stuff and I don't disagree with that. But, such is life. Once the knowledge or information is out there, who cares who spreads it? TigerBait hasn't come out with the story yet, but that's MS fault for being slow to the gun.
And I don't have a problem discussing general information gained from their sites, but to run to a few other sites & post this when it was not supposed to be public knowledge... It is in poor form IMO. It would be a different story if there was an article about it like they typically do on the front page. I don't care that he came here. It doesn't affect me at all, but it does affect my opinion of people... not that it matters on an anonymous message board.
This is great news. LSU is really recruiting like a machine. As for the "secret commitment" -- my cousin in Monroe called me with the story off the evening TV news. I didn't ask, but assume it was one of the local stations. Maybe I am missing something, but once it hit TV news, I think it is generally considered to be common knowledge/public information and free to all. I wouldn't think it was much of a "secret".
if someone sees it on a recruiting website then there is no reason not to post it. Now if you are told in private and asked to keep it secret then keep it a secret.
IMO if its to be kept quiet it shouldnt be released at all. Because people will never hold up to any agreements if there are any of keeping quiet. Especially without any sort of reprocussions. If it wasnt supposed to be announced until tomorrow or whenever, that is when the site should have posted it. Just my opinion on the situation. If somoene were to tell me LSU signed so and so, but keep quiet until such a date, fine Id have no problem keeping my honor. Most people wont, so I put more emphasis on he site than a person.
What are we, 10 years old? There's no such thing as a secret that somebody gets off a website! If it's on a website, it is WORLDWIDE info!
I tend to agree. Not so much for poor form, but possibly for repeating misinformation. Such a report could always turn out to be bogus until Blackwell makes a statement. Many of us have heard such pronouncements before only to have a player make a last-minute change of heart. Eugene was committed to Michigan and Perilloux to Texas by all of the early and late reports. But they were wrong.
uhh.. not a member of scout. It was being reported on tigerdroppings. sorry if I pissed anybody off. was just trying to help some people out.