ok then pay attention, einstein. i told you i was better than you at this. big·ot·ry /ˈbɪgətri/ Show Spelled[big-uh-tree] Show IPA –noun,plural-ries. 1.stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own. thats you. and to greater and more elequent, honest, charming, and skilled way, me. dont be jealous, just work harder at being half the bigot i am. you can start by expanding your bigotry to hate christians more, like i do. in fact, check this out. 'Christian warrior' militia accused in plot to kill police - CNN.com 'Christian warrior' militia accused in plot to kill police "seditious conspiracy, attempted use of weapons of mass destruction, teaching the use of explosive materials.......The group says on its Web site that Hutaree means "Christian warrior" and proclaims on its home page, "Preparing for the end time battles to keep the testimony of Jesus Christ alive."" get back to me when you hate skills are improved. until then, languish in the minor leagues of hate. i am like the albert pujols of hate.
You know, I tried to treat you civilly and address your comments and I thought you were making progress. But as soon as someone starts shredding your arguments, then you revert to this schoolyard tantrum. Who do you think you are fooling? You are not only a monumental ass but a colossal ignoramus with a huge inferiority complex. i But you can connect the dots. :lol: Of course that's a childs game, dumb-ass.
who, spikke or bin laden?:lol: bin laden preaches martyrdom, but he's hiding his chicken sh*t ass out in caves instead of becoming one. me thinks he doesnt practice what he preaches
all i'm saying is that everyone who is found guilty of being involved in 9/11 should either be shot, hung, or beheaded in times square or at ground zero. I don't think we should be worried about Bin Laden because he is full of crap, but it would be a nice big FAHQ, to him if we were to do that.
now that would put blood on the hands of the American people. I would just rather see them convicted, given a life sentence and then drop them into the general population in Sing Sing, Attica or Rikers. Karma will take over from there.
I'd rather skin them alive, pour salt on the wounds, slice the belly so the guts are falling out then put a life jacket on them and throw them into shark infested waters.