Politics Bill Cassidy Vote Impeach and Convict

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by r_bear42, Feb 14, 2021.

  1. r_bear42

    r_bear42 Founding Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    Living Texas you shouldn’t be very concerned about a La. Senator. Evidently you don’t understand that this isn’t about Trump, but the action of a La. Senator as stated from the beginning. I also didn’t know there were levels of betrayal. Either you betray someone or you don’t. You can’t halfway betray anyone!
    shane0911 and LSUpride123 like this.
  2. kluke

    kluke Founding Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    Oops my bad I inadvertently violated protocol on this websites version of Free Speach Ally - what an Ironic name. Gracious of you to point out I wasn't being Trump-Politically-Clorrect
    And respectively you're wrong, it's always about Trump all the time. It's the only way he'll have it
    COTiger and Winston1 like this.
  3. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    noun: irony
    1. the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.
      "“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"
    a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.
    • plural noun: ironies
      "the irony is that I thought he could help me"
    shane0911 likes this.
  4. r_bear42

    r_bear42 Founding Member

    Jan 18, 2002
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    First, I’m not this website’s police. And yes, to you and all the other Democrats it’s always about Trump. He gone. Find someone else to talk about and I’m not pointing out anything to you about as you say being Trump-Politically-Clorrect. Spell check before you post. Congratulations mam, you are the first to make my ignore list. Rather have a headache than continue this stupid discussion!
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2021
    shane0911 likes this.
  5. COTiger

    COTiger 2010 Bowl Pick 'Em Champ

    Dec 10, 2003
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    How do you know he's a Democrat? Because I liked his post, does that also make me a Democrat
  6. Winston1

    Winston1 Founding Member

    Sep 5, 2010
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    Sport Kluke is a man. If you so sensitive that his mild comment triggers you you will have a rough time here. You’ll have everyone on ignore and be clueless.....sort of like you are now.
    COTiger likes this.
  7. COTiger

    COTiger 2010 Bowl Pick 'Em Champ

    Dec 10, 2003
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  8. kluke

    kluke Founding Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    Thanks COTiger, I'm going to use your post to respond on this issue because Rolltide_Bear42 has me on ignore and therefore won't read this. Being called a Democrat is funny because from the first time I voted I've always voted Republican, Libertarian, or Independent; even when I had to hide it from my family. Out of 11 grandchildren I was my Grandmothers acknowledged favorite; but like a lot of her generation she was a FDR yellow dog democrat. So at 21 I lied about voting Republican to keep from eating Christmas dinner at the homeless shelter. And that is only a slight exaggeration. I certainly wouldn't have been able to eat dinner at her apartment in whatever girls dorm she was assigned to at the time. Which was a great perk.

    In 1972 when I first voted everybody in Louisiana, it seemed like absolutely every fucking body, voted for Edwards for Governor. But I didn't then and I never did later because even thought Edwards was
    charismatic and entertaining (sound like someone else you know), at 21 I believed character was one of the most important ingredients of political leadership. I stumbled on, and kind of adopted this as a core belief, when I was assigned a paper on political leadership. Much later, I left Louisiana before having to choose between Edwards and Duke but if I had still been there I would have voted ( because I always vote) and I would have voted for Edwards the Demo before Duke the WTF. I was at LSU when Duke used to be a regular at the real Free Speech Ally (the one without censorship). I know what I heard, I know what he was, he was a piece of shit then and I didn't see or hear any reason to believe he changed over time. As bad as Edwards was, Duke was much worse.

    The best way for me to define character in my political judgement
    context is respect, responsibility, fairness, and citizenship. A leader with character is much more likely to do what they think is right for the country than what is politically expedient. More likely to pick people over party. That's why I would support Ronald Reagan and George Bush (first one) no matter what party they belong to; and could never support Clinton or Trump no matter what party they belonged to.

    I especially don't want anyone or any
    pollical party to think they own my vote. I'm not going to vote for any piece of shit that falls out of what ever messed up set of process rules they decide to use this time around. I voted Libertarian in 2016 not because I thought they could win; but because I didn't want any pollical party to think I would support someone like Hilary or Donald just because they were the major party that picked them. Neither one met my expectations; so I voted for "FUCK YOU, GIVE BETTER CHOICES".

    If that makes me a Democrat in
    Rolltide_Bear42s eyes, I can easily live with that.

    Winston1 and COTiger like this.
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    As you should have, FDR was an awful President and no American should have ever voted for him ever. You stood up for yourself here, congrats

    I was going to leave this section out of my reply but then it dawned on me, Duke was elected as a representative in a primarily black district. Isn't that something? He was able to speak to the people that he directly supported and that he counted on for his support but because he wasn't on the side of the real "oppressors" he gets labeled. Can a leopard really change their spots? Who am I to judge, I'm not God

    This to me is the most telling of how full of shit you really are. Bush (the first one) is quite possibly the most vile human to have ever lived. I would put him in the same rank and perhaps a rung above Hitler but he fooled us all. You can look it up, its true. Reagan had his faults but without a doubt the best President we have ever had UNTIL Trump. The irony is in your own statement because Trump actually picked People over Party and that is abundantly clear by the fact that he didn't have many friends in DC. Guess you missed that, or you believed all of the bullshit hoaxes that they just kept firing at him.

    It absolutely astonishes me to see statements like this when we just had exactly what is wished for. Total mind fuck type shit. In 2015/2016 you can go back and find that I was NOT a fan of Trump winning the nomination but damn if he didn't do everything he said he would. Damn if he didn't put America FIRST, damn if he didn't put more people back to work, bring back manufacturing jobs, lower taxes, rebuild the military like he literally did it and a lot more yet people buy into this bullshit fed to them by the media.

    If the fact that the DC establishment doesn't like him doesn't tell you all you need to know there is nothing I can say or do that is going to change your mind. They hate him, from Cocaine Mitch all the way to AOC to Pelosi they hated him and that my friend is an indicator that he was on OUR side. You and your ilk are responsible for what comes next. Enjoy it, I won't but I'm also prepared and 3 steps ahead so when it all shakes out my family and I will be okay.
    XXL TideFan and Bengal B like this.
  10. XXL TideFan

    XXL TideFan Founding Member

    Nov 11, 2003
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    It’s readily apparent that the democrats are leading us into a banana republic. When the Chief Justice recuses himself because of constitutional reasons namely the senate can’t try a private citizen. It therefore becomes a totally unconstitutional exercise for the cameras and idiot voters that are clueless. The constitution specifically charges the CJ to preside over a senate trial. A trial where the charges were not allowed to be refuted in the house. The dems and their repub boot lickers are treasonous scum. I advocate for breaking the country into at least 2 or 3 separate countries. Southern republicans are polling as favoring a new secessionist movement.
    Bengal B, BAY0U BENGAL and shane0911 like this.

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