They also quote that Jefferson was interviewed immediately after the incident. Which is also false. Lifetime Movie :dis:
Other than that crappy video that we've seen, what other video is there that shows sufficient evidence that JJ was involved. With something like that, the DA would have to bring charges or he would surely get blamed for showing favoritism. Could they be using that crappy video as part of their evidence?
I wish lifetime would go under. My wife actually likes lifetime. It has movies that make her cry, she says. I want to cry everytime she watches it myself. If she's watching lifetime, I'm going to another room for sure. Lifetime is awful.
[ame=]Brian, jillian, stiwie watch LifeTime conmersal - YouTube[/ame]
Johns not charged Jefferson charge reduced from 2nd degree battery down to simple battery, a misdemeanor
Just got that tweet. So... what will happen now? Guess we'll have to wait till CLM speaks on 'Les Miles Live' tonight at 7 =S