LINK I think this is a great move. It would give him two teams in NOLA and hopefully less of a desire to move. NOLA has been so supportive of both teams, it seems he is sold on staying.
Yeah, I think this would give the hornets some stability. While Benson postured quite a bit after Katrina, I firmly believe that's all it was, posturing. He's too old to be moving sports teams and has the ability support the hornets financially if things get tough. Hope this works out.
After this year, they should change the name of the team to the New Orleans Booze... Think about it....when they play badly and everyone starts "booing", the team will think everyone is cheering and start playing better !!!
They definitely should think of a new mascot for the team. Hornets are just gay, and besides, there ain't no phucking jazz in Utah! Change the name already!
Damn, I would love to have the New Orleans Jazz name back. And we could pull Hot Rod Hundley out of retirement to take back the radio of the all-time great play-by-play men.
The names of professional sports teams should be proprietary to the cities and not the teams. The Indianapolis Colts immediately comes to mind...Arizona Cardinals WTF !! Even the San Francisco Giants has a hollow ring to it. I can't even imagine the San Antonio Saints.