Been doing alright. Finally made the move to Prairieville after commuting for almost 5 years about a week before the storm. Happy not to have to commute as long for sure. Dad's place was a little less than half demolished. Spent a lot of the day Saturday getting debris cleaned up so a contractor crew can start rebuilding walls. Back half was pretty much gone. There is a pallet rack holding the roof up on the back left corner. Electric crew got the power back up there Saturday though.
This reminds me a a deprecated VPN technology known as the "Point to Point Tunneling Protocol". Some of us geeks refer to "PPTP" as the 'Native American Outhouse' (for juvenilistic, obvious reasons) .
Maybe USC could be interested in a National Championship winning coach to replace Helton? If it was up to me, being the humanitarian I am, I’d be willing to tear up Coach O’s remaining contract. LA times posting a list of possibilities Any of these guys sound interesting to ya'll?