Again, it takes mental and physical ability to be good at professional wrestling And yes, auto racing is a aport. NASCAR drivers have to be physically fit to bear up to being behinx the wheel of a car where the interior temperature can be over 16O. All by making lightning fast decions on the racetrack to pass other cars and avoid wrecks while traveling all in excess of 200 mph. They risk their lives and yhe winner is decided by who crosses the finish line first just like in foot races and swimming races.
lol, we've done a lot of laps arguing about this,.. the Bengal 500 Oregon planning biggest video board in college football, new sound system at Autzen Stadium
So you have to be able to die from your activity for it to be a sport? Gymnast and snow boarders are both great athletes and have died while practicing and competing in their sport. Just seems the logic to say something is a sport and what is not a sport is circular and a personal opinion. And all the same logic you used to qualify driving a car as a sport can be used for these sports. I used to say some of the same things, just changed my mind on it eventually. A sport is something you compete in against someone else. However in some individual sports, it is against a standard. For sure there is much more fuzy logic in those sports since it is judged and not a straight measurement of points, distance, time, speed, etc. Wrestling is not a sport because you are not competing, your are performing a show with a known outcome. The show is simulating a sport. Wrestling, Olympic wrestling is a sport. I would argue the NFL is no longer a sport, seems the NFL likes to put it's finger on the scales and help decide the outcomes. It is entering the wrestling arena of entertainment and leaving the sport behind. WWE Wrestlers are for sure athletes, but also paid actors.
It certainly takes more physical exertion to snowboard or be a gymnast than it does to push a gas pedal.
I hear you, however it gets hot inside those cars and I'm not sure what sort of mental acuity it takes to go 180+ inches away from 15 other cars for a few hours at a time. Sport? Eh debatable I guess but you have to have your shit together to drive a racecar.
When I was an Ensign I lived at Mission Bay, just north of San Diego. Right, and I mean right outside our door was a beach volleyball court. I’ve been a fan ever since!
OK, grind on this. Is chess a sport?, You're playing against an opponent, you must physically move pieces and it is extremely mentally challenging.