Going price on EBay right now is about $1000.00. I've been bidding all evening...no luck. I was hoping to get in for $750.00. I guess I should have bought yesterday. Most now are selling for the "Buy it Now" prices...$1500 and up. Oh well.....Maybe I'll save the money, and buy a new plasma. :grin:
I stared at Ticket Reserves Mondya morning for LSU. Up to 10 @ $10 per, the price said...... Usually I never say never... But I could not bring myself to spend ten bucks per ticket reserve. Sad but true.. Could have had the whole family going at $300 per ticket. Sigh.... The way I make myself feel better is to realize people sold off their LSU reserves and lost money *and* tickets. You know I'll soend the cash in a heartbeat but... I did not get to go in 2003 and I lived. We're going to have a house full of hollering tiger fans watching the game. Will be loads of fun! ...... of course someone can feel free to hook us up with tickets......
I'm willing to cut off my left pinkie finger for a ticket. Hell, I don't really use it anyway. I'd do it on live TV if asked. Just throwing that out there.......:hihi:
is lucifer around... i got a soul for sale... maybe I should put my soul on ebay.. buy it now price 4 LSU vs OSU 50 yard line seats !!!!
I was there in '03, and in retrospect, would have easily spent $1000 to do it again. Not in the same position this year, and it's always better your first time. :hihi:
shouldn't someone have pity on a poor little girl who who is such a dedicated tiger fan that she drove 750 miles (one way) by herself for a couple of games this year? such pity they are willing to sell her a ticket or two for a good price? or better yet, just take her to the game for her dedication? :grin:
Prices will go down the closer we get to the game. Right now is pretty much the height of the market. Curious to see what the TAF allocations are, but worst case scenario i'll buy from a scalper at ridiculous prices right at game time.
C'mon... I made the Miles' Pet Squirrel fark... that's gotta count for something! ... just one free ticket is all I ask...
I'll be in louisiana no matter what. If I get my tickets I am quite sure that I can find somebody ti go with me! Other then that I will be hanging with my friends, whoever will take me!!