Just got my HDTV hooked up today. Watching the Orange Bowl on FOX. It is not in HD. How weak is that? Since FOX is also televising the Championship Game it occured to me that it might not be in HD. Anyone know?:huh:
Dude call your sat or cable provider. I dont think I have seen a bowl game this year that wasnt in HD. I am watching in HD right now. I have Dish Network
I've got Dish Network too! I'm getting it on a local channel (on Dish). Could that have something to do with it?:angryfire
Are you on the HD version of fox? They are two separate channels for me, but you do have the HD box from your provider, right?
Strange, I have Dish and I have every channel in HD, local,s all the ESPN's etc. I am sure you local FOX broadcasts and HD. Did you buy the HD package on Dish ? Yeh when I hit guide (I am in dallas so I have dallas channels) 6386 is FOX HD, Or I can got to 004, and it shows two channels one in HD and one not in HD.
Scroll through your higher channels. Most of my HD stuff ( not dish ) are grouped together. Should see a Fox HD channel listing somewhere in there. On a game note - Glennon is throwing some great dropped passes.
I've scrolled through the whole list of channels. I have a FOXS (Fox South) in HD but the game isn't on it. Excuse me while I call Dish Network.:cuss: