"Four guys I put in were seniors who had started before and have done the job before," Mainieri said. "I wanted to keep them sharp. (Austin) Nola is going to be our shortstop next year and I wanted to give him some experience. It was my undersatanding that players at four-year colleges are eligible after completing their junior years, DJ is a sophmore. SO the question becomes where are they moving DJ to allow Nola to play short? Third? First? The OF? I think he is a great SS, and don't understand the move
DJ is frankly not the best fielder at SS. And would be better suited as a 3B. And that's likely where he'll be.
Third base is sewn up for at least 2 more years. And DJ will be 21 and eligible for the draft. Yes, sophmores can enter the draft
the rule if you go to college after highschool for baseball is either after your junior year or the first draft you will be 21 in. DJ will be 21 before the draft in june and therefore will be eligible. Whether he signs is a whole different thing. Its not like football and basketball. You don't declare for the draft, MLB just does their amateur draft and you can decide if you want to take an offer to turn pro or go/continue to go to college.
no, he isn't, and that really surprised me. i figured that after last season, he'd really blossom into a great SS. he has a great arm, and can swing the bat, but misjudges choppers/line-drives on the left side of the infield. he could benefit from another year, but like casey said, at 3b.
Scouts are saying he doesn't have the range to stick at SS. He'll have to move to 3B at the pro level. Pretty sure he's gone after this year.