Can someone please tell Landry that you DO NOT...I repeat DO NOT swing at a first pitch when the pitcher has walked the last two batters. I DON'T CARE IF THE BALL LOOKS GIFT WRAPPED!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT FREAKING SWING!!!!!!!! I just left the game about an hour ago and have been sitting in my car listening to it outside my house on the radio. And most people are still up late at the game, freezing and tired, just to see a guy have a mental lapse of sanity to end a gut wrenching game. Get it together dude. If we are going to "get back to the basics" and play "smart ball" then when in the friggin heck will we tell batters to quit poochin the first pitch when a pitcher is struggling. Take a minute before you get in that batter's box all wound up, and figure out what you need to do. GEEEEEZZZ!!!! Forgive me is these types of games...lost in this type of way...that make me earn my nickname loco!!:cuss:o::angryfire:insane:
I dunno, a pitcher who is a bit wild and who grooves you a batting practice gotta go after it. I don't know if that was the case tonite, but if so, it was definitely the right thing to be aggressive.
I have no idea. but yes, I agree. if a kid sees a strike, he needs to swing at it. I just think the coaches should have taken the bat out of his hands until the guy threw a strike. He had 6 walks in just a handful of innings, including 2 in a row.
I won't blame the kid...sorry to sound like that...just ticked a little. But the COACH should have separated himself from the rest of the people just watching the game, and coached the kid. I know people will have different opinions about this, and I value them highly...but I am telling you that 90% of the people like myself who have ever played the game on more than one level know what I am talking about. You make that pitcher throw something of value. It's just the way it goes. It was a blooped pop up on a jittery swing, on a sub par pitch. Let the coach talk to the kids in situations like this...Skip did...and look how that worked out for us. Tell Landry not to swing that bat until you give him the green light to do so. C'mon coach...a lot of us would have liked the opportunity to walk up to a great kid like Landry and say "hey kid...we have had some lapses of thought, missed opportunities, and errors in this game that have hurt us...but now is your chance to make all these fans forget about that. Now...just relax...I am not going to leave it all on your shoulders...I am out here now so that this team, and this crowd can see that this is partly on me I give you the green light to swing...stare down the pitcher and scare the h-e-double hockey sticks out of him. And when you have MADE him throw something decent...I will give you the green light...and then you break him off something if he throws something else worth a go stare at his scared stiff behind till he chokes!! (typical pat on the but follows here):grin: You had the chance to do this get paid to do this. Separate yourself from us, and do more than just watch the game.
Decent game, crappy ending. First one I got to see this year. Left in the sixth to drive back to Bossier....just walked in. At least half of my drive was somewhat entertaining listening to the game. Geaux Tigers...take the series tomorrow!