isaac was weird one too. like we got some intense shit just before the eye got to us. then it collapsed to the point where we never got the back side of the eye. that was one of the crazier ones i ever saw.
Dude, you are hopeless. No one gets fucked by opening it in a gradual way. Perhaps I should say graduated way. You already noted that level and flow rate are not linear but they do still correlate. Sounds to me like you have a personal bias. Good luck, with your status quo. Shit is changing, bank on it.
wtf are you even talking about? status quo? personal bias? do you know how science works? the bonnet carre has been open for month and hasn’t appreciably lowered the river levels. do you think open an extra 150’ of Morganza miles and miles farther north would have dropped it a noticeable amount more? i’ll answer for you. no it would not have. why? because they are not designed to prevent over topping and are not near big enough to appreciably affect the height of the river. what they are designed to do is relieve pressure by giving water another way out. that’s it. that’s what they do. relieve pressure, not lower height. opening morganza earlier this year would have had a negligible effect on the overall height of the river. however it WOULD have needlessly flooded people between morganza and the gulf. the exact same amount of water would have flowed through those gates no matter how long ago or how slowly you open them. why? because water is the ultimate level. it alway levels itself out. always.
Do you work in the water management industry? Also, could you summarize your post in 24 words or less for those of us who don't? Thanks.
ok mr wizard, please enlighten us all on where you think the water would have magically gone. the river, lake pontchartrain, and the gulf are all connected. and the top of all of that water is basically like a level. there is no steep drop off from one to another. that level will not change a measurable amount because the morganza was opened. that floodway is nowhere near large enough to make a dent in that water level. i’m sorry if that hurts your feelings, but it’s the truth. the spillways do not make a noticeable difference in river height. they aren’t big enough to do that.
river would still be high as fuck even if morganza was opened. it would fuck people without actually helping the situation. 21 words.
As hurricanes go pretty mild. Yet still dangerous if you happen to be the one that gets hit by a fallen tree.
for baton rouge, i predict a whole lot of nothing. i will go outside tomorrow to check it out, and biggest risk will be sunburn