Anyone know the exact section? Flying down for the Furman game, and I want seats in the vicinity of the band and Golden Girls.
I thought you were in the band, once. Just curious if they're assigned seats have changed a lot since then- assuming you were.
I personally think they should move the band back where they were in the 80's and 90's. For some reason, and I am sure there are others, but the sound quality was better back then.
In the 70's the band sat on the 50-yard line. They have been moved four times and now sit behind the goal posts.
I am speaking of when they were in the northwest corner and a little higher than they are now. I just found the acoustics to be a little better in the bowl from their old spot for some reason.
My daughter bought them off from the LSU ticket office last Saturday. On Seat Geek, there are numerous seats for sale in that section. SO it looks like we're sitting behind the band, which is fine with me. I love the GBFTL, and played in a marching band for 7 seasons through Grad school. Just not at LSU:-(