Glad to pass it along ... I did a thread the week ago and repeated it here to keep us orgnized ... Ignore that Bama troll ... he's talking shight about several of our juniors leaving when we have one, maybe two.
Yeah I'm not sure how to make any simpler for him. People than think LSU are losing a hand full of players haven't even taken a look. It would take 10 effing seconds to look at the depth chart before you come to our board mouth breathing all over it.
Have you ever heard of the psychology term "projecting" [ame=]Psychological projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] Your average gump is too delusional to avoid this trap of human nature ... He sees almost two dozen players leaving after 2011 for BAMA as noted in my post ... and he simply refuses to process it in his limited brain that another team could be recruiting as well or even better than his team ... Hence, he does not even accept the fact that this rectal bleeding affects his team ... he is in total denial of this ON A CONSCIOUS LEVEL SUBCONSCIOUSLY HE KNOWS BAMA IS SCREWED AND WILL BE DOWN IN 2012 So, what does he do ... he mentally shifts this disturbance into a PROJECTION regarding LSU ... LSU must be losing SEVERAL juniors This is not the case as we know it! In the event of a return by this disturbed individual, we'd do well to humor him and make him fell loved and wanted ... Just like our coach would want us to deaux:hihi:
You been called out as a troll ... produce the several juniors departing Louisiana State University for the NFL as stated in your bullshight post
Yo Tater I have a question for you. Changing topic for a sec I've seen alot of Bama fans on Bama forums bitching about the Eric Reid interception call. I can understand disappointment but it was the right call. It's on film. What's ur take on that. I thought it was a well called game. Reid made a great play against a bigger guy. That doesn't happen everytime but it did that time. is it a contingent of fans that will complain no matter what or do most Bama fans think that was a bad call. Not sure how there is room for opinion. It was clearly the right call.
Wow really?? Damn. The ball did shift before the elbow was down didn't it? Maybe my purple and gold goggles were foggy. I thought it was the right call but the key was obviously that it was called an interception on the field before it was reviewed. Man. Guess it isn't as unanimous as I thought.