An interesting matchup will be Mt. Cody vs. Big Herm. I personally can't wait to see which one will win! Neither is used to moving that much man-mass in a game.
Does anyone think that the fact that Cody injured his knee couples with the fact that he is MASSIVE means that we may see a lot of low-technique blocks, such as cutting? I feel like if we can get Helms or Hitt to cut him by themselves, this is a huge victory on the offensive line and would lead to much success for Scott.
As long as we're talking about LEGAL cutting without intent to actually HURT the boy, then I'm all for it.
I don't think they would change general technique just for one game. I think if the play calls for a cut block then they will. But I just don't remember a whole lot of cut blocking in any of our play arsenal. Not saying we don't use it, I just don't remember seeing a lot of it.
Hmmmm......then again, we haven't seen any odd-man fronts this year, either. Who knows how they'll attack it.