I know I decided it was kind of fun watching him dig deeper and deeper into delusion. He will stay until it gets too stale.
Thanks for the gif, it's even more clear to me now that Davis DID NOT step out. His heel hovered over the line. Come on TF, this guy isn't a gump, he's a jaded MSU fan who still can't get over the fact that even a cash option couldn't get scam Newton to his crappy school.
State needs something. When was the last time they were in a championship game? Any championship game . . .
Mississippi State took a 14-10 lead in the fourth quarter with an 83-yard punt return. The game was clinched when Tee Martin threw two touchdown passes (Peerless Price and Cedric Wilson) in the span on 32 seconds in the fourth quarter.
Its pretty sad when all your almost past glories were before this century. Go back to being a Bammer.