Bama is in Chaos. I understand the need to spin it for Bama. Bama needs to win to turn this tide. (I now understand how appropriate the name "Tide" is for Bama) I can't imagine the melt down if Saban's players quit this weekend and Auburn runs all over Bama. Question: If Tommy Tuberville has the opportunity to run up the score on Saban's Bama, will he? This would be interesting to see if it comes to that.
by all appearances it would seem that to this point the misconception lies with the bama faithful. most outside of your program don't think so. could it be that everyone is wrong? will we soon see a gundy episode in gumpville? isn't that what he was supposed to fix? wasn't that the expectation? if there are disciplinary/motivational problems with select players why play them? why not follow the CLM example insofar as discipline is concerned? gotta agree with SF
I'm sure TT would love to kick Bama and Saban while they're down...That could be a solid knockout punch in the last round of the fight.:thumb:
In my post earlier I said some had a misconception of what was happening. Some of those haven't seen the playing field very much at all. One, in particular, saw some action recently simply because he was so far down the depth chart and those above him were dealing with injuries, etc. Other's that seemingly were willing to put all effort out there haven't finished. And, you won't see them next year.
as an aside, what is saban's relationship with the bama press? seems to me (red or others can correct me if wrong) that saban absolutely "controlled" the LA. media in that he seemed to determine the "flow" of the press conference, information etc. has the bama press not bought into saban yet or are they jumping ship?
Terry, didn't you say that saban improved each team he took over by at least 3 wins in his first year and you saw no reason to expect less? Seems like a flip flop now on your part. And doesn't the schedule flip on ya'll next year? Except for auburn, bama had no tough road games this year, and yet saban is sitting with the same record as shula, and shula beat ulm 41-7 Spin that.
Theres a lot of nonsense being posted on this topic by us and poor Terry. I said last week there was no meltdown going on among the gumps but it is now. However, its not for losing to ULM, its for comparing it to 9-11 and Pearl Harbor. The well connected gumps I work with are at a loss to explain those comments. That is what is causing the chaos and meltdown moreso than losing to ULM
Finebaum has turned on Saban I guess it was only a matter of time until Finebaum turned on Saban because his favorite thing to do is bash coaches. Not that Saban doesnt deserve the critisism because his losses the last two weeks are inexcusable. Anyway I think the change in Finebaums tune from the Nov. 6 article to the present article is quit humorous.
Trust me, Saban knows what fans and media are saying no matter what he says or how he acts.....and he cares about his status. That's why he walked into that Monday press conference already on the defense and was just waiting to blow up. Also, the fans at the beginning of the year were possibly ready for a tough go in 07. But he had them in position to win the West at one point and he changed expectations. You all really thought you had your savior and the rebuilding process was already over...."Hell we can win this thing now." But now that the wheels have come off and the plane is going down, Saban is in typical blame game mode and fans are in meltdown. Well, like I said, Saban made his bed with $4 mil and now he'll have to live with these crazy Bama fans for a while. Until he bolts which he will do. He needs his ego massaged and losing to ULM and hearing crap from you "ungrateful" followers won't get his ego fed. Trust us.....we know OK. He's going to bolt. May not be this year, next year....heck he may stay 3 years but he's bolting.
Yes, I expected to hit the 9 win mark this year. However, I didn't think we'd drop games against MSU and ULM either. The way I saw it was out of the big 5 we should have been able to pull 2 wins, possibly three. Right now, with an upset next weekend in Auburn it would have fallen into the way I thought the season would end up. I don't know how many times I've said this as well. It wasn't the record last year that cost Shula his job. It wasn't the loses to Auburn, LSU or MSU last year that cost his job. It was because of off the field and on the field issues related to (couldn't resist) discipline, attitude, etc. Some of those issues remain with some players and others are doing their part. well. So you are stating that because of what the media says or what some fans may be posting on message forums that directly effects decisions Saban makes in regards to the football program? No coach worth his salt has that as a motivating factor. As to the Monday presser, there are two things I feel about what he said that you are calling a "blow up." One, the reporter that asked the questions (Paul Gattis) ranks right at the top of the list (w/ Ian Rappaport) of asking stupid questions or asking the same questions that have already been asked or situations already addressed in detail. Secondly, I believe he took advantage of the opportunity that presented itself to get the message across strongly that these players were going to do it the right way or they wouldn't be playing at all. In a lot of ways I agree with that. No one, including most here, thought our game would be one that would have a direct bearing on who plays in ATL. Heck, the best I recall most had Alabama finishing 4th in the West right below Arkansas. However, not a soul thought the rebuilding process was already over. Not a soul. By characterizing Saban as being in his "typical blame game mode" isn't an accurate portrayal. He's saying the same things now as he said in the spring of this year. You can assume he bolts after 3 or 4 years. So what if he does? He left LSU in far better shape when he left for the NFL and there is no logical reason to assume the same wouldn't happen if your theory ends up being correct.