you are too stupid to own anything baw. Like I said, all you clowns that run around boasting about your "girls" are the most pathetic of the lot. You do that because you probably lacked the stones and/or the talent to play real sports probably both. Its typical behavior for your type. Now get back to the kiddie table with your mac n cheese. Bitch
Wrong person He didn't know, not me. I bet I could have. The third strike would've been with a crossfire I threw. I doubt you even know what that is. I throw from the golden side, btw.
I figured you pussies wouldn't know. It's a pitch where your stride leg lands to the pitching hand side of center and then the pitcher pitches around the stride leg. My pitching coach actually made me step way over center on my delivery.
Not could have, not now not ever. You bring that limp wrist whirly bird shit to me and you will become very familiar with BESR Another thing you estrogen junkies don't have to worry about