heard this yesterday and it really pissed me off. its bull**** that LSU gets the home field advantage taken away because cbs wants the game. I would almost rather pay for this **** on tiger vision just to have it at night and say **** YOU CBS!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate day games...period! At least this one will occur after the time change so it should seem a little bit more like a night game than last weekend.
Well, I will say that as of late(maybe the last 6 games), we have not done well with a 1:30-2:30 start. A little bizarre really.
Not as bad as you think. We're 1-1 this year, 1-1 last year & 1-0 in 2006. Those are home games. If you want to include away games the results are 1-1 for this year, 3-2 for last year and & 3-2 for 2006.
Go ahead and get ready for Ole Miss to be CBS @ 2:30 as well! There are only three conference games that day, the other two being Ark. @ State (Crap) and Tenn. @ Vandy. We may get lucky with CBS taking the UT/Van. game but I doubt it.
That Sucks my friend and I are coming for the game he is a Razorback and I wanted him to enjoy Tiger Stadium in all its glory. Kind of ruins that a bit as 2:30 games just dont have the same vibe..... Bummer...
The problem is not that the team can't adjust to day games, it is the fans haven't tailgated hard enough when the games are early. Hence the crowd isn't as loud as it is at nite. Solution, we start by sleeping through Fri, and then start tailgating at midnite. That way we will be good and primed by game time.