A few months ago, I read about this. Looks like there are a few recent articles about it now. Really fascinating to me to see such a possibility. Basically, genetically altered bacteria that feed off agricultural waste can excrete crude oil. Here is a link to the article, along with a few key points from it. > Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol <
This is interesting. Scale manufacturing is key and 205 sq. miles is a huge key hole to fill. I wonder what kind of numbers support a pilot goal to say supplement reserves and supply heat in the North East for the winter? That said new industries are created through manufacturing development, service, transportation/ pipeline, and most importantly agriculture. Crops can be produced throughout the nation relative to climate change. If citrus has a freeze the waste can off set the loss, flooding in the plains, California drought...on and on. Huge potential for investment prolly no more then lost or gained from drilling West Texas and so on. Bugs gotta live too, can't have a bug eating bug get into your bugs. :shock: Things that make you go HMMMMMM! Will red set this straight?
The size of a suggested facility really does get your attention. But hey, that is with the technology at the point it is today. If this moves forward, I bet they improve on that.
I doubt anyone reading about it really expects it to be used and mass produced any time soon. However, it sure is interesting to read about and see that such a thing can be done. No matter how small scale it is.
Who knows, maybe some spirited teen will in the future develop this process. This would lead to fuel nirvana for sure.:wink:
We should, as a country, start investing heavily in synthetic fuels if we want to cut back on the oil. You can make fuel from a lot of things and you can make gasoline from coal. South Africa does it, why can't we.