I guess JBE doesn’t live and die LSU football. That’s one of the governor’s main jobs, IMO. I guess maybe also life and death issues.
I would be skeptical if Alleva was involved in hiring the janitors in the athletic offices. It is his job to be involved in the negotiations with key personnel intregal to the success of the football team.
Could be a big mistake on his part. Oeaux was his biggest supporter in trying to get him more money. If Thomas has aspirations of becoming an NFL GM he will need contacts in the NFL. Oeaux could be a huge help with that. I understand eanting to lash out at those who ised and disrespected him but he surely doesn't want to turn a friend intp an enemy.
Yeah, seeing articles about it, too. @bhelmLSU , any idea what this means? Is he returning to us? As always, thanks for your discretionary insight.