The future of the Alabama trailer park population depends on recruitment videos like that one. I mean come on that's gotta be every young black kid's dream right? A house full of white blonde and brunette sluts showing their asses and leaving nothing to the imagination. If I ever saw my daughter in a video like that that I would drive to that school, pull her out of that place by her ear, drag her to the car and bring her home, and clear her dorm or whatever out immediately. Then lock her in a basement for 4 years and make her take online classes.
Not really. They are about 20lbs to thin plus they are pale blondes. Young blacks are into Hispanics or Latin females. By Latin I'm talking about the Mediterranean countries, or the countries that speak the romantic languages that come from latin. It needed more olive colored girls with black or dark brown hair.
Where have you been? Lots of rich black athletes and entertainment guys have hot white blonde wives and girlfriends. On the other hand with poor black guys it's like the joke I heard black comedian Andre Bolden tell: When you see a white woman with a black guy she's always fat and ugly, but when you see a black woman with a white guy she's always smoking hot.
That was in the 80's and 90's. I can't tell you the last time I've seen a blond in a R&B or hip hop video. If you want to see what the black youths are into just watch a rap video.
I don't watch or listen to rap. I don't smoke crack so I don't go to these hoods This one from the Gardere Lane area of Baton Rouge This one from North Baton Rouge