I've heard a few second hand accounts that the scrimmage was a promising one for the offense and that Harris looked really good. I've also seen the tweets from Dylan Moses' father regarding a few touchdown runs (I assume they were runs, maybe not) that he claims could have been on Sportcenters top 10. @LSUDad, and some of you other guys who always seem to have your finger on the pulse of all things Tiger football, can you offer any more insight?
Maybe the best thing for the Crimson turds. Coker is fools gold. All hype team. Mett (as a jr) very light.
Looks like we played with less last year. Some word Gilmore has looked so much better. We will see, 20 days till we see something.
The Ice Man (Guice) has looked good as of late. In fact all three Freshmen RB's have settled in well.
The main one was a screen where Guide broke a few tackles (4 defenders) and a TD. There was a spin move in there somewhere.
This is why you take visits............. http://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniemc...roversy?bffbnews&utm_term=4ldqpho#.sfrj4JeB69
You need ginkgo biloba or something? What does that have to do with Dylan Moses? Bunch of Gump sluts jumping off a dock ...