You are correct, sir. Although, I remember laughing at something else he said too... [ame=]Obama comment by Announcer during Auburn LSU game 10-22-2011 - YouTube[/ame]
He made a funny comment also when Reid and Landry had the big hit on the kickoff return....He said No one was holding on to that ball ! lol
Wow, I heard that and never got the joke. All I was asking myself was how the hell does Verne know the play? He's a dumb phuck. Later on in the game, Verne called a simple handoff play by Auburn as a play action fake and had to correct himself. True story.
Verne asked Gary when he saw the sign, "that's got to mean a run to the left doesn't it Gary?" Gary didn't want to comment and it took me a few seconds before I got it and busted my sides. :miles:
He said "Nothing is working in the Barack Obama offense." I hereby take back everything bad I've ever said about Danielson.