We all know Scam Newton got paid, but here is some more dirt coming out from under the rug. http://stats.athlonsports.com/merge/tsnform.aspx?c=athlonsports&page=cfoot/news/news.aspx?id=4582154
I know rules are rules but if a kid can NEVER go to class and pull a "C", "B", whatever, they should be given the grade. You can be dam sure every top program has one of these "money drawers".
I had a calculus class in 1979. The ga's asst who taught it was named Sapon Chadapadia. Could not understand him at all. Myself and 3 others met everyday, at the regular class time, in in a classroom down the hall and taught ourselves. I missed an "A" by a couple points out of 1200. Dude said 'too bad, you never come class'. Well no shit asshole, we couldn't understand you.
Considering this is one of the two schools located in the SEC HQ's home state I'm sure any factual evidence will quickly be swept under the SEC rug.
These are serious possible NCAA violations and already national news, the SEC's good ole boy network won't be able to help them on this one. Emmert is feeling a lot of heat from the media these days over the Miami situation, so there will be significant pressure coming down on his head to act. Not that I have a lot of faith in the final outcome.