Not even a good try. You can't pull for part of a team. That was my chief problem with the Les haters. Too many wanted LSU to fail so they could get rid of him. You're acting no differently because the only way for what you want to happen is for the team to fail. Feel free to criticize what happens during the season, but to hope for O and Aleva to fail is to wish the team to fail. Think you can get that through your thick skull????
Au contrair, while we were critical of miles we never rooted against him or for the team to lose. Never. We wanted to win. Every damn game we wanted to win and usually pointed out ways that we could/should have. Hell we all liked the goofy bastid, all we wanted was a less antiquated offense. (That means not so old taint)
This isn't your team. Nothing would make you happier than if you were proven right by by O failing. The only way that happens is if the team loses. Save that shit for someone else. You can't have it both ways. To wish the coach fails is to see the team fail. Stop posting this dumb negative shit, people are tired of it!
Dude STFU! You don't seem to like anything about LSU based on your posts over the last 6 months. If you're that miserable go somewhere else. You criticize everything LSU especially football and basketball current coaching but you have yet to see what either can do in a full season. Got an idea...keep your mouth shut until after each season and then come say "told you so"". Til then, go to hell!
No, I believe Orgeron deserves a chance to succeed or fail before you declare him a failure. And I don't believe for a second you will be pulling for the team and not the coach. I don't remember you having anything good to say when LSU won big in several games under Orgeron last year.