I don't go back that far, but they were $5 back in the eighties. What are they now? $12? Not much of an increase over twenty years. $12 for a football game anywhere is pretty cheap. For a team as good as LSU, that is probably on tv 6-8 times/year, seems like a steal to me. Not much to cry about.
i could be wrong about this, but don't you have to buy them as a package? as in pay 110 bucks up front or whatever they cost now? at least that is how it was when i was in school. we paid 45 one year and then 100 the next. if it were week by week it wouldn't be a big deal but lots of kids cant put 100 dollars on a debit card.
I think you are right about the way they are purchased, but in relation to tuition, books, gas, going out to bars, I still say it is damn cheap. At any rate, the student section does not empty because the tickets are too expensive, it empties because some of the students that have the tickets, just don't care. Making transfers more difficult should deter individuals from buying tickets(in the future) if they are uninterested in going to the game. And it has.
I agree. If these schools really wanted to be jerks they'd do away with the "student sections" and open them up as regular seating for the general public at general public prices. You've got A LOT of people (non students) that would buy them up in a heart beat and it would mean more revenue for the college for that section of seats which usually go for $12/ticket. It would never happen and I don't think it should but it could be alot worse for the kiddos in college.
People will buy them because it is the cool thing to do. Seriously. If someone would say they didn't have tickets, the first response from most people would be "YOU DIDN'T BUY TICKETS?... ON PURPOSE??" $112 at one time is cheap. Very cheap. I very well could spend 2.5x that much on away game tickets if I get all that I ask for: $60 x 2 Auburn $45 x 2 Florida $55 x 1 South Carolina $265 total... Though it is likely to be one of each, so $160.
Think we left in the 1st quarter, went out and knocked off a "piece", came back in after half-time. Used to be alot more seats for us studs back then also.:geaux:
There were no tickets. All students paid an athletic fee of about $35 which gave them the right to attend any game . . . first-come, first-served. They just punched a hole in your ID for each home football game.
The problem in overselling the student section is that it is general admission. Granted they don't have a problem for rent-a-wins or minor games but ask any student about trying to find a seat at the popular games such as Florida or Auburn or Bama and you have a bunch of people standing in the aisles with no place to sit or sitting on steps. I think the university should stop worrying about their next dime and concentrate on putting forth a decent product for everyone to enjoy. No one likes being squeezed like sardines.