Athletic Department may over-sell student tickets

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by bhelmLSU, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    Jan 3, 2005
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    i find my seats over-sold and i will turn into a homicidal maniac b***h!

    that is all.
  2. TheDude

    TheDude I'm calmer than you.

    Oct 8, 2006
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    I disagree. The reason the school implemented this policy was to prevent students buying tickets, never going to games and selling them for premiums to non-students. There are many students who never get tickets and re-selling them to non-students is a significant loss of revenue for LSU. It is easy to transfer or use another student's ticket, if you are a student. Last year, if my daughter was out of town for a game, she gave her ticket to another student who did not have one.

    I believe a student can still sell their ticket to a non-student but there is a limit/game.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    email Herb VIncent. Someone was in there who shouldn't have been.
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    And that is why the student section has been reduced three times since the 1970's. Empty seats will result in more seats being sold to season ticket holders . . . and then the students will cry discrimination and that "college is supposed to be for them".
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I know. But it was first-come, first served and students had to stand in a long, thick jostling drunken mob of a "line" for three or four hours before the game to assure that we would get seats at all. So we damn sure didn't leave early.

    Show up at kickoff with a valid ID and you were too damn late to get in.
  6. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I would make them pay $50 to leave at halftime, $25 at 3rd quarter going down to free at 0:00. Incentive, you know.
  7. JM Tiger

    JM Tiger Founding Member

    Jan 17, 2007
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    Incoming rambling rant.

    I agree that it isn't the best thing to have that many people leaving at half, and I hope that some of these responses are sarcastic, but really what are you going to do?

    As Red said, however many years ago, you had to go through alot to see an average LSU team. Back then I bet the 6,000 (Or however many there are) student tickets went to hardcore football fans, that were willing to go through all that to get them. Now the team is popular (I guess more popular) and tickets are easy to get as long as you aren't a freshman or sophmore; ie alot of non hardcore fans get in. These people aren't going to stay the whole time, no matter what the circumstances.

    Some of the responses are a bit rediculous though. I already paid for my tickets, I can leave or do whatever I want with them, just like every other ticket holder in that stadium can do.

    It was never that easy to sell a student ticket to a non student anyways, especially for a premium (Either they had to get some other student's ID or they had to pay an additional $25 on top of the premium price). Most of the time it would go down like "Too much, I'll get an extra for a regular seat from one of my friend's dads".

    Besides, they swipe IDs at the gate now (That is how they award bowl/championship tickets), tracking who was buying and not going/transfering to another student would be the right way to go about this. I would also argue that this is a problem not just for student tickets, and the policies might be on the surface for that, but it is really to squeeze as much money out of the students as they can. I would also say this is a larger problem for the regular seating, which they haven't done much to address.

    Oh and a non-student upgrade limit, as someone else said the UA and UGA game are already at the limit. Got a friend that tells you they are coming a month before the game? Sorry, you gotta plan 6 months in advance now.

    All these issues of empty seats apply to everywhere else in the stadium, it just happens that when people leave the students push forward and there is a big space at the top, but alot at the bottom. The rest of the stadium just thins out. Also, the examples you are using are from games where we are winning against a bad team (If we are up on any rival by 2 td's, I promise it doesn't empty out) or on a day game. Either way, they can do whatever they want with the seats they paid for.

    An incentive that might actually work would be to have people swipe their ID's on the way out, and award more priority points for those that stay.

    In the end though, the AD is looking at seats that people paid $16 bucks for that are empty and saying "If we reduced the student section and sold those seats, just as many seats would be empty, but we could be charging $45 bucks for those seats instead!!! Like the students can do anything anyway."
  8. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    hows it any different? first come first served.
  9. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    Thats not just it. There are many loyal fans that cant get in because of student ticket prices. I am pretty sure our student tickets are some of the highest in the country, and many of those tickets go to daddies little girl that could care less about football.

    How much was a ticket in 1970?
  10. mike5705

    mike5705 Founding Member

    May 9, 2004
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    All these complaints about students leaving early are legitimate, but cannot be applied to every game. Consider this scenario, LSU is beating North Texas 31-0 at halftime. USC-TOSU are playing a close game that could be monumental in the race for this year's MNC. I would not blame a single person who wanted to leave and catch the fourth quarter of that game (on mute of course because honestly your tv may explode from the massive amounts of ass being kissed by the announcers to both universities and for the 10000 times the announcers will say "No matter what happens, you very well might be seeing a preview of the BS national Championship Game). I am in the percentage of students who consider themselves diehard LSU fans. And I enjoy watching all the young players go in and pile on the points against a lesser opponent, but being honest with you I will be the first out the door to watch what is without a doubt the best out-of-conference game this year. Even though I can honestly say I hate both teams with a passion, and deep down I would be watching to see if a bomb would accidentally be dropped on the stadium burying both teams underneath, but I would still want to witness it.

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