It must be tough to sign free agent pitchers and to resign your own pitchers who are approaching free agency. Who would want to pitch in that launching pad?
Today was the baseball HOF induction ceremony. There's a 7 page thread on another board as to whether or not Bonds should be in the HOF. What say you? I say no.
If you are good somebody else will oay you. Rockies can't outbid the Yankees, Red Sox, Cubs or Dodgers.
probably the greatest player of all time, nobody was pitched to, pitched around, feared, like Bonds was,.. but his home run records are tainted, spoiled in my eyes,.. I keep waffling on whether he should be in the hall of fame or not,.. today I think, no.
Bonds should be in the Hall. He had a HOF career and the stats to back it up long before he started juicing. That said I didn't like Bonds because he was an asshole.
On the other board some posted of pictures of him wearing his ASU uniform and one wearing a Giants uniform. I don't think the increased bulk was gained naturally. What do you think about Rose gaining entry? I loved Charlie Hustle, but betting on baseball is about the biggest no no in the game.
When do you think he started juicing? And it was a consensus on the other board that he was a genuine, certifiable ass hole. And that's probably the main reason the writers are keeping him out.