Astros and Free Agency

Discussion in 'OTHER SPORTS Forum' started by islstl, Oct 5, 2006.

  1. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Re: Deal or No Deal

    Yeah, that would be too much.
  2. Dirt Dog

    Dirt Dog Founding Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    No Deal...Yet reported that the deal fell through because Taylor Buchholz failed a physical. The White Sox might have shied away from the deal because of questions about Buchholz, but it is not true that he failed a physical, according to Buchholz. Hirsh was also included in the swap.

    Buchholz says he hasn't had a physical since last spring training. He had right shoulder surgery after the 2004 season and was still recovering at the start of the 2005 season, but he hasn't had shoulder problems since. He did have tendonitis in his right middle finger for about two months this past season.

    "My shoulder's been great," Buchholz said. "The only thing that gave me problems was my middle finger. It was bothering me for about two months, from right around the All-Star break. But I was fine at the end of the season. I haven't had a physical.
  3. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Re: No Deal...Yet

    Good, I thought we could do better than Garland as far as trade possibilities.

    Let's go get Peavy.

    San Diego's cleaning house.
  4. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Re: No Deal...Yet

    i dont think peavy is touchable despite reports.

    Schuerholz/Cox raped the mariners--horacio ramirez (4th starter at best) for rafael soriano. that bullpen wont be a problem again this year especially if they get mike gonzalez or scot shields. also trying to get the lifelong disabled baldelli.

    i wish the astros would get saltalamacchia<sp> from the braves. Im sick of ausmus' worthless bat plus atlanta already has an all-star catcher for the next decade. astros have a good catcher in jr house so maybe they should just call him up. hes got a good bat but not a good arm but ausmus has neither.

    astros just acquired Lincoln Holdzkom in the rule 5 draft. bio says he had tommy john in 04 but was a good prospect with the fish. 1.76 era in 46ip AA. cubs had him last year.

    bagwell announcing retirement dec 15th.
  5. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Re: No Deal...Yet

    Ausmus not going anywhere since Clemens is tied at the hip with Brad. If he's gone, Clemens won't even think about coming back.

    Agreed Sure-holtz pulled another one out of his hat. Dude is just plain good.
  6. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Nov 25, 2003
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    Re: No Deal...Yet

    Lilly goes for $10 mil
    Meche goes for $11 mil

    I wouldn't even take Meche for free.
  7. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Re: No Deal...Yet

    27 years old, 171 ip, 177ks. 2.45, 2.25 era last 2 years.

    good luck when putz reenters the atmosphere.

    agree on ausmus. its the whole family thing the astros have built by biggio and bagwell. thats why they traded so much talent to other teams b/c they gotta mesh and lack an ego. its good but ausmus should be a backup but i guess he's becomes clemens' primary roid injector if pettitte goes.
  8. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Re: No Deal...Yet

    So the 'Stros don't sign Pettitte, and he ends up with the Yankees. Doesn't make much sense to spend $100M on Fatty Lee, and then not bother to shore up the rotation.

    This move will go over like a turd in a punch bowl in Houston. I can't wait to watch the fallout, as fans completely forget that players do this for money, not for love of suburbia and strip malls and fair weather fans. :rofl:
  9. tirk

    tirk im the lyrical jessie james

    Feb 4, 2004
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    Re: No Deal...Yet

    well, they hung their hat on him staying when he gave them no reason to believe so til this week which is why they tried to nab that scrub Garland from the pale hose.

    yanks even added another year to pettitte's contract and another mill--16 mill.

    rocket to end up in boston now his buddy has left him.
  10. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Re: No Deal...Yet

    Something seems weird though. Hendricks says the Astros wouldn't go to $14M, and only offered $12M. So a $2M difference got in the way of a hometown lefty? I dunno...that seems odd.

    If you hop in the wayback machine all the way back to 2005, people would have thought $14M was insane. Until Padilla, Eaton, and a bunch of guys with 5.60 ERAs signed A-Rod deals.

    I'd love to see Clemens head back to the Yankees. A move to the Sox is probably the only personnel move in pro sports that would genuinely bother me.

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