Again, the point flies Miles (pun intended) over your head. Who among us has stated that we know what plays E should have called? Not one person that I can find. We're just saying that the ones he did design and call aren't shit against teams with similar or greater talent.
1 outlier year, huh? Mettenberger currently owns the #3 & #6 single season passing records at LSU. 2012 - 2067 yards passing 2013 - 3082 yards passing It helps when you know what the fack you're talking about.
Regarding Hugh Freeze, it's looking like he will be the new HC at Liberty University... If this becomes reality, it really does make for some good comedy. Jerry Falwell Jr. sure knows how to pick 'em. First he hitches his wagon to Trump, now this. LOL.
Advanced syphilis cases are a sad thing to behold. Who would guess statistically we would have two victims on the same forum.
What is there to get. E was a better OC against Ga. Seems you dont get it. Difference between 36 and 35 is 1 point 36 is a bigger number than 35 see how it work now do you get it?
So when did you and lsu-i-like get syphilis and more importantly from what skank so I can avoid that bar.